Established companies have usually secured at least one round of outside equity financing. I can assist an established company to attract additional rounds of equity and debt. While an established company usually has the experience to do this on their own, there is considerable value in securing the assistance of a professional to undertake some of the heavy lifting required.
The CEO and CFO have many other calls on their time besides preparing a new set of selling documents. Moreover, it is likely that the story had changed substantially since the initial set of documents were constructed. The starting point for the financial projections needs to reflect actual operating results and the company's strategy and offerings will have changed in response to actual market conditions.
I can provide the professional assistance needed to construct an updated set of Financial Projections and an updated Executive Summary, PowerPoint Pitch and Business Plan that will maximize the attractiveness of the opportunity and put the company's best foot forward. I can also assist the management team in the process of contacting and meeting with prospective investors and lenders. Collectively, this assistance can substantially shorten the time required to secure financing and substantially improve the terms under which it is secured.
For more information, see Financial Modeling and Investor Documents.